Saturday, November 12, 2011

Greening Up Thanksgiving

Here it is, the first post for Green Bean Beetz. I hope this won't quickly alienate me among the masses.

This morning I had a lengthy conversation with my mother regarding the deal she got on not one but two turkeys at her local grocery store. Apparently there was a very serious point calculating incident that caused a phone call. Have no fear though she did not settle for the 13lb turkey but waited and did in fact receive the 20lb one she had her eye on. Though some might see that as an opportunity to discuss having a more compassionate (i.e. carrion free meal)I had to bite my tongue and allow the woman to continue.

So why not have my first post be about greening your thanksgiving?! "Greening" doesn't refer to the most awesome salad you could make but some tips about making your Thanksgiving a sustainable day. These tips come from where there are more than these 5.

5 Helpful Tips for Greening Thanksgiving...

1. Buy Local - I worship at the altar of my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). My share offers ample vegetables for most of the year. I know the farm and the farmers and I know that the travel for my food is minimal. If you can't join a CSA search for winter or late season farmer's markets. And if that's not available most major cities have small grocers or co-ops where you can find local fruits and vegetables year round.

2. Serve organic or local beverages - We are housed in New England the land of apple cider! All I need to do is walk or drive one mile in any direction and I've hit a farm or orchard. And in recent years I've discovered local wineries and breweries are every where. (Hitched the Hubz at one)

3. Keep the holiday simple - Keeping things simple has become my new mantra. As much as we all want to serve a cooking show worthy Thanksgiving meal we don't need to do that with exotic and hard to find veggies. My favorite side...mashed potatoes! Mmmmm, and this year we're veganizing these bad boys!

4. Use what you have on hand - Here's a secret about the hubz and I, we have never bought a set of dishes! All of our dishware was handed down. Same goes for our linens. We want for nothing but have it all, including an enormous collection of tea spoons. Don't stress the look of your table, Thanksgiving is about who you are with. And if you really, REALLY want a turkey salt and pepper shaker hit the thrift store. Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers - these are all places that give back to your local communities with the money you spend. Or find a locally owned and operated thrift or consignment store.

5. Compost the Scrap out of your meal - I love my compost bin! My garden loves my compost bin! But I struggle with the kitchen scraps! I admit that this is a tough tip to follow. I mean there sits your garbage pail, so alluring, just waiting to welcome all that you have to offer. I am vowing to make an effort this year and hopefully you will to. Don't have a compost...maybe this is the time to start one.

Good luck!

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