Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ahtisan Bread

I tend to dream in food. I wake up and think "Oh yeah, that muffin looked so good, I HAVE to make it." Then I do. Lately dreaming in food really means I've been dreaming in bread. Artisan breads to be exact. I close my eyes and envision me standing over two or three beautiful, crusty, yeasty mounds of hot delicious artisan bread. People request that I make the bread for them for gifts or for special occasions. Instead of cakes they want french loafs.

Okay, okay, never happen. Well, the breadoring fans would never happen. The making of the artisan bread...totally happened.

I found this great and easy recipe on Blogging Over Thyme (http://bloggingoverthyme.com/2011/11/08/classic-french-boule/) and knew instantly that I was going to make this bread. **And in turn would have to beat off the breadoring people who would immediately appear at my castle, er door step...still no? Eh...moving on.

This bread was super easy and even better unbelievably tasty. I've been dunking it in thick black bean soup for lunch and toasting it for breakfast and dinner. It is destined to be a staple in my kitchen.

There are so many positives about making this bread or any bread for that matter. One you get two loaves for less than the price of one. Eat one loaf immediately and freeze the second. I call that doing the thrifty. Two this recipe is a great building block to many other delicious artisan breads. I'm considering less salt and adding some black olives in my next loaf. Three I know all the ingredients in this bread. I never have to wonder what the preservative is and what is that doing to my body. Four this ahtisan bread is wicked ahsome!

Enjoy Breadoring People!

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