Thursday, December 29, 2011

If 2012 were your last year on earth?

In just a few days it will officially be 2012. For some of the masses this is it, the last year! The end of civilization as we know it. And let's be honest, after this year, maybe civilization needs this kind of wake up call! In most recent years (decades) humankind seems to be the "destructors" of life. As an advanced species we kind of, well, suck! If 2012 were my last year on earth, I'm not sure I would spend it any differently, but I am sure I would want to leave it better than how I found it. Even if the general area I leave better is our little occupation, or our home. That way if 2012 isn't the last year on earth, 2013 will be off to a great start!!

New Year Resolutions for a Sustainable You!

1. Commit to one Meatless Day Have you heard of Meatless Mondays? They're catching on everywhere. Universities, school districts, businesses, even entire towns, are committing to one meat free day. And Meatless Monday is just so darn catchy! And this isn't a commitment to eat salad for an entire day. You can explore and enjoy menus and recipes that don't have meat as their center. Consider making Meatless Mondays a culinary adventure!

2. Reduce your indoor toxins Try to rid your house of at least two toxic cleansers in 2012. Just TWO will make a difference. Windex can easily be replaced with a white vinegar, water mix. Have ants? Get rid of the Raid and replace it will soap...yes SOAP! Use the power of the internets (intended) and search for non-toxic household cleaners. There are enzyme based cleaners that are just as powerful as your chemical based cleaners. But they're not harmful to you, your pets or your kids.

3. Start a garden Growing your own food is so rewarding! You don't need a green thumb to grow tomatoes or beans. Lettuce and kale can be grown in a flower box! If you chose to grow, grow organic. Pick organic seeds or go to a local farm for starter plants. Build a compost to reduce your waste. Plants love decaying plants to feed on! Take pictures of what you sow and show them off!! Share your veggies! Actually, share your veggies with me! I'll trade!

These are just three simple ideas for this new (and possibly last) year! But this isn't where the ideas stop. I just think it is better to pick simple things to change instead of committing to big changes. Three simple changes can be the equivalent of one super - uber change! For me, one day out of the weekend I will not drive the car. Driving over 80 miles a day is more than enough car time for anyone!

Happy New Year!

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